Sunday, September 03, 2006

Our Trip - Day 4


It was a rainy, miserable day. Cold & windy. The anglers finished some toddy for the body!!!

The fishermen walked to the portage lake behind the cabin. Beautiful lake, but no luck.

With Day 4 slated to be the first night for walleye dinner, the fishermen began getting nervous. Troy started fishing off the dock, and quickly caught two walleye!

The fisherman were getting excited. Catching walleye meant no peanut butter and jelly for dinner!!!

Soon, Bob made his way down to the dock and caught a walleye. Uncle Raym attempted to hop into the boat to do some fishing, but fell in the Lake instead!

As the rain slowed down, the fishermen decided to venture out again to catch some dinner. We worked some of the coves and rock ledges around the cabin and toward the entrance to East Rheaume. The fishermen were finally catching walleye.

And then came the Hit Heard Around the World. Bob was jigging for walleye off the back of the boat, and then a MONSTER northern pike hit his jig (the fish was at least 42", if not larger). Bob was fighting the fish for approximately five minutes, successfully getting the fish next to the boat. Fearful the the lunker would break the line (there was no wire leader on the line at the time), Troy attempted to net the fish. THE FISH WAS TOO BIG FOR THE NET! With two shakes of his head, the fish threw the lure, and slowly swam into the depths. The fisherman were shocked at what they saw.

Content that they caught dinner, the men headed home to clean and cook their feast!

On the third day of fishing, the following fish were caught:
  • Bob - 2 pike, 3 walleye ... and the one that got away
  • Uncle Raym - 1 walleye
  • Troy - 3 pike, 5 walleye
  • Rich - o fish (did not fish due to knee injury)
  • Vern - 4 pike, 1 walleye
For breakfast, the anglers had muffins & danish. For dinner, the anglers had beer battered walleye, with rice pilaf and carrots.


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